Haven for Divine Restoration addresses a critical need within our communities, where a significant portion of the population faces socioeconomic disparities and individuals. This is particularly increased for women who are trapped in abusive relationships. The need for our organization arises from the urgency to bridge these gaps, empower lives through education and support, and break the cycle of poverty (and domestic violence). There is a clear demand for accessible educational resources, mentorship programs, and assistance for survivors to rebuild their lives. By addressing these needs, we aim to create a positive and lasting impact on the individuals and communities we serve.

  • Reduced incidence and impact of domestic violence, battery and physical, emotional and verbal abuse of women.
  • Increased access to information and services to women seeking rehabilitation/emotional support from an abusive relationship.
  • Provision of Job Skill Development for abused women so they can return to financial independence and provide for their family.
  • Restore the dignity and self-worth of abused women through education, mentorship, and support.


  • Increased Educational Attainment:
    Outcome: Improved academic performance and increased graduation rates among underprivileged students.
  • Enhanced Economic Empowerment:
    Outcome: Higher employ-ability and career advancement through skills development and job readiness programs.
  • Strengthened Community Cohesion:
    Outcome: Building stronger, healthier communities through outreach and awareness campaigns.
  • Reduced Incidence of Domestic Violence:                                                                                                  Outcome: Empowered women who have successfully left abusive relationships and are equipped to identify and avoid such situations.
  • Holistic Well-being for Survivors:                                                                                                          Outcome: Improved mental health and overall well-being for survivors of domestic violence.

Sources of funding

We are a REGISTERED 501(C)(3) CHARITY, so most of our financial support is from grants and donations (online, in person and through structured fundraising activities). WE DEPEND ON YOUR SUPPORT!